Religious divorce and Michigan divorce law

Religious divorce and Michigan divorce law:  Religion plays an important role for many.  When a divorce is pending, religion can also play an important role. For the pious, a divorce through the courts is not enough and although they are required under Michigan divorce law, the parties will also seek a religious divorce. In Christianity[…]

Marriage and Divorce conflict of laws – Full Faith and Credit & Comity

Marriage and Divorce conflict of laws – Full Faith and Credit & Comity:  When we recite the pledge of allegiance we are reminded that we are one nation under god, but the United States is composed of fifty independent States with different laws that often conflict with each other. A Michigan divorce is valid in[…]

Obamacare The Affordable Care Act and Michigan divorce

Obamacare The Affordable Care Act and Michigan divorce:  According to the University of Michigan, a divorce results in about 115,000 women losing their private health insurance every year. Many rely on the Consolidated Omnibus Business Reconciliation Act (COBRA) to provide relief.  If a former spouse is employed by a company that offers health insurance (and[…]

How to divide Retirement accounts in a divorce

How to divide retirement accounts in a Michigan divorce:  When property is divided in a divorce, lawyers and judges typically focus on property acquired during the course of the marriage.  Retirement accounts are considered property and come in all shapes and sizes.  So what are the major types of retirement plans and how do we[…]


Michigan divorce planning video – What to do before you file

Michigan Divorce Education Series Michigan divorce planning:  Before you have the “talk”, it might be in your best interest to sit down and talk with a qualified divorce specialist.  Proper divorce planning can play an important role in not only how much your divorce case will cost but how stressful the process will be. Before[…]


Michigan Divorce Formal Process video – divorce steps

Michigan divorce steps:  This video is a complete – everything you need to know – explanation of Michigan law and strategy covering the steps of a divorce.  The basic and not so basic divorce steps are discussed and explained.  I am hopeful you find it both empowering and educational.  A summary of the topics covered[…]


Michigan Property division video

Michigan Divorce Education Series – Property division Divorce in Michigan  – Property Division:  This video Webinar is a comprehensive explanation of Michigan law and strategy covering property division.  Key learnings and strategies are discussed.  I am hopeful you find it both empowering and educational.  A summary of the topics covered is provided below.  (run time[…]


Michigan Alimony and Spousal Support video

Michigan Divorce Education Series Divorce in Michigan – Alimony and Spousal support:  This video Webinar is a comprehensive explanation of Michigan law and strategy covering alimony / spousal support.  Key learnings and strategies are discussed.  I am hopeful you find it both empowering and educational.  A summary of the topics covered is provided below.  (run[…]

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