Michigan alimony

Michigan Alimony and Spousal Support video webinar

After 109,000 views over 6 years we decided it was time to update one of our most popular webinars. The Alimony in Michigan (Michigan Spousal Support) video webinar provides the most updated information on Alimony in Michigan We believe that knowledge is not only comforting but will put you in control of your situation which[…]

Custody in Michigan

Divorce in Michigan

The grounds for divorce in Michigan are simple. One party must allege that there is a breakdown of the marriage, the objects of matrimony are destroyed and there is no likelihood that the marriage can be saved. The grounds for divorce is what makes Michigan a no-fault divorce state. As a no-fault state, some people[…]

Alimony in Michigan

Michigan Alimony and spousal support – The nitty gritty details

It is easy to get lost in the trees when you should be focusing on the forest.  However, we recognize that some people like the nitty gritty details which is why we created the nitty gritty details series.  The nitty gritty details series will focus on the technical side of Michigan divorce, custody and support[…]

the needs of the parties

Alimony in Michigan – The needs of the parties.

Alimony and spousal support are payments made to support a former spouse.  Most attorneys use guidelines to estimate an alimony payment.  However, Michigan alimony law allows for an evaluation of the needs of the parties in determining alimony or spousal support, something that alimony guidelines don’t do. The most popular alimony guidelines take into consideration[…]

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