
Fault.  Another fight of the century – Ali v. Ali (not really)

In the case of Ali v. Ali, the husband took an appeal from the trial court’s decision to award the wife 80% of the value of the marital home.  Why? Because the court found him at fault for lying to the court about his assets and income. While there is no requirement under Michigan law[…]

role of fault

The role of fault – “He hit me and gave me a bloody nose.”

It just happens that one of the most common questions asked is the role of fault in a Michigan divorce and on July 18, 2017, the Michigan Court of Appeals addressed the issue in the case of Koch v. Koch.  The Koch marriage began in 1987 and ended October 17, 2014.  The parties had one[…]

big mistake

We made a “BIG” mistake in the Judgment of Divorce.

What happens when you make a mistake in a Judgment of Divorce?  The answer is it depends.  If both parties agree, a mistake is easily corrected.  However, if the mistake favors one party, it is not always easy. In the case of Amante v. Amante, Mich App. Case No. 331542, the parties entered into a[…]

50/50 property

Consider fault when a 50/50 property division is not fair

Michigan is a no-fault divorce state and many people (and some lawyers) are of the belief that means only a 50/50 property division is fair.   While it is not uncommon for a divorce to result in property acquired during the marriage to be divided 50/50, it is not what Michigan law requires. In fact, fault[…]


When is a deal a deal?

When is a deal a deal?  Settlements. I was recently approached by the editors of the Michigan Family Law Journal to write a monthly column on Michigan Divorce and Family Law.  The Michigan Family Law Journal is a publication of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section and serves as “Family Law Council’s forum to[…]

Christmas divorce

Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, engagement ring and divorce.

Tis the season to be merry. . . but what if you don’t want to be?  How does a court decide who gets the Christmas gifts? Michigan law regarding property division provides the answer.  A general rule of Michigan divorce property law is the notion that property acquired during the course of the marriage is[…]

Selling the house and divorce

When Selling the House Determines If You Should Divorce

Couples consider their finances and investments very carefully when deciding whether to divorce. In fact, some couples intentionally avoid starting the divorce process despite being miserable together. Why? Because they believe that the home they own together is keeping them from moving forward. In a past article, we tackled the question of who gets to[…]

Emotional Divorce

The artist, the engineer and the emotional divorce

The artist, the engineer and the emotional divorce. When I was in law school, a comment by my Constitutional law professor, Robert Sedler, remains imprinted in my mind.  Professor Sedler commented something along the lines of: “the problems with stereotypes is that they are usually true.”  When I first heard this, I disregarded it as[…]

Oakland County divorce help

Where to find divorce help in Oakland County

This article on where to find divorce help in Oakland County was inspired by the Oakland County Friend of the Court handout with the same title and I felt sharing it worth sharing with our audience. Divorce help in Oakland County at Findling Law While I recognize I may be stating the obvious, you can[…]

Considering divorce

6 Things to Know When Considering Divorce

Making the choice to divorce is a big deal. A really big deal.  You won’t be making this decision on a whim, nor should you make it without empowering yourself with information. Here are 6 things you need to know when considering divorce.       Know when to see a lawyer. A divorce is[…]

divorce is your fault

What if the divorce is your fault?

There is confusion among clients and even some lawyers of the role fault plays in a divorce.  Which beg’s the question:  Does it matter if the divorce is your fault? The answer to the question is it may. Michigan No-fault divorce It is important to understand what no-fault divorce actually is.  No-fault divorce is the[…]

Who gets the house

Who gets the house in a divorce?

Who gets the house in a divorce? Sometimes the answer to simple questions are complex and the question “who gets the house in a divorce?” is a perfect example of this adage. The answer to the question, “who gets the house in a divorce?” is . . . it depends. The general rules of property[…]


Changes at the Oakland County divorce court

The Oakland County divorce court is changing.  Mandatory retirement, judicial appointments and elections in November will result in even more changes at Oakland County divorce court.  The Oakland County divorce court is made up of Judges from both circuit court and probate court.  These judges specialize in hearing family law cases such as divorce, custody,[…]

Divorce Arbitration

Arbitration and Michigan Divorce

In a Michigan divorce, the parties can agree to arbitration instead of trial. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution which is also referred to as ADR.  Arbitration is similar to mediation except the arbitrator can make a binding decision if the parties cannot agree on an issue. When parties mediate a divorce case,[…]


How to hide assets in a divorce case.

Why hide assets in a divorce case?   The answer is simple, to prevent sharing the assets with your spouse. WARNING:  Do not hide assets in a divorce case!  –  “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time” – Baretta.  Hiding assets in a divorce case may be illegal and the consequences will likely[…]


Can you sue a Judge in Michigan?

Can you sue a Judge in Michigan?  Let’s face it, sometimes Judges get things wrong.  When they do, one option is to take an appeal, but can you sue a Judge in Michigan? The Michigan Court of Appeals is an intermediate higher court and can overturn a lower court’s decision when it makes an error[…]


How to prevent divorce fraud?

What is divorce fraud? Divorce fraud occurs when one party in a divorce case intentionally deceives the other party for his or her personal gain. What does Michigan divorce fraud law provide? Previously, we examined the rights available to victims of divorce fraud.  Generally speaking, if you are the victim of divorce fraud you have[…]


Divorce fraud in Michigan divorce cases – time matters!

Imagine entering into a divorce settlement only to find out later that your spouse committed divorce fraud.  Divorce fraud occurs when someone uses deception to alter a result for financial or personal gain.  The most common divorce fraud involves the value of something, typically a business, real estate or investment.  Divorce fraud occurs when one[…]

Contempt of Court

Show Cause Hearing

Ever wonder how a court enforce’s its orders?  One answer is a show cause hearing.  A show cause hearing asks the question:  “Why shouldn’t the court hold you in contempt of court for violation of the court’s order?”   At a show cause hearing, the burden is placed on the person suspected of violating a[…]

Settlement Agreement

Confidential Settlement Agreements

Divorce can be a public event but it does not have to be.  A divorce ends a marriage.  Unfortunately, for a private individual a divorce  can evolve into a public affair drenched in gossip.  Judgment of Divorce When a divorce is granted the judge signs a document called a Judgment of Divorce which is the[…]

Business value and divorce

The value of a business in divorce – part 2

In the  first part of this two part series on determining the value of a business in divorce we examined four definitions of value in a divorce.  The four definitions are Fair Market Value, Fair Value and Investment Value and Holders Interest Value. It does not matter if the business was started during the course[…]

The value of a business in divorce

Most businesses, small and large, have value and Michigan divorce property law requires a fair division of all property acquired by reason of the marriage.  It does not matter if the business was started during the course of the marriage or merely increased in value during the course of the marriage for the value of[…]

Finding hidden income

Finding hidden income in Michigan divorce and support cases. (c) 2015  Finding hidden would be easy if everyone put cash under the mattress.  The fact is, finding hidden income is sometimes hard.  Discovering hidden income can impact child support, spousal support (alimony) and property division.  Here are some simple techniques to discovering hidden income: Look at[…]

Taxes and divorce

Taxes and divorce  April is tax season and questions about taxes and divorce are numerous in our Michigan divorce and family law practice.  Here are some key tax  considerations in preparing your 2014 tax return.  Divorce or separation brings many changes. Some of the changes have tax and divorce issues. Change of name: If you restored[…]

The Friend of the Court Referee

The Friend of the Court Referee A Friend of the court referee is appointed by the chief Judge to assist in Michigan divorce, custody and domestic relations cases.  A Michigan Friend of the Court Referee power is defined in Michigan Compiled Laws Section 552.507. Michigan law (MCL 552.507) provides that a Friend of the Court[…]

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