Physical Custody in Michigan explained again.

On topic that seems to come up more than any is the notion of physical custody.  Unlike legal custody, which awards a parent with access to the educational, medical, religious and other pertinent records of the child.  Physical custody in Michigan is not easily defined. In fact, the Michigan Child Custody Statute MCL 722.26a does not[…]

Michigan custody modification

The Brady Bunch got it right when they sang the once well-known verse of their hit single: “When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange.”  However, in custody cases, change does not always come easy. In fact, Michigan custody modification law makes it difficult to “rearrange” custody if the change is really big.  By[…]

6 Tips for Surviving the Holiday Custody Schedule

Resolving your holiday visitation and custody schedule is yet another element of separation and divorce that needs to be settled, and survived. In a recent article, we explained how holiday visitation is resolved in Michigan. The holiday custody schedule might end up being very different from what you were expecting. How can you cope when[…]

The burden of child custody – burden of proof case law

When fighting for custody in a Michigan divorce or custody case you have an obligation to prove your claims with evidence.  This obligation is called the burden of proof. The different Michigan child custody burden of proofs are: Clear and convincing evidence which requires evidence that the claim is very highly probable; and Preponderance of[…]

A car accident defines physical custody in Michigan (finally).

The phrase “physical custody” has a troubled history and future in Michigan.  In fact, the “physical custody” is also viewed by many as politically incorrect.  After all, who wants to think of a parent having physical custody of a child. The future of the phrase also seems at risk as many Michigan divorce and custody[…]

Michigan Custody update: Snyder signs the Rape Survivor Custody Act

The Rape Survivor Custody Act protects woman who become impregnated by a rapist. Governor Snyder singed the Rape Survivor Custody Act set forth in Michigan Senate bill 858 and Michigan House bill 4481 were reconciled and signed into law by Governor Snyder on May 3, 2016. Widely lauded by conservative right to life groups who[…]

Michigan child custody law – the statutes

Michigan child custody law – the statutes. In this article we examine the most commonly cited statutes relating to Michigan child custody law. Sources of Michigan child custody law Michigan child custody law comes from four sources, statutes, precedent, court rules and English common law.  When the legislature passes a Michigan child custody law, the[…]

Child custody appeal – What you can do if the court got it wrong.

Sometimes things do not go as planned. Parents typically celebrate after a child is born.  Unfortunately, many relationships end, and if parents cannot agree on custody or parenting time of a child, the Michigan divorce or custody court will decide how custody is awarded and parenting time is spent.  When a court makes the wrong[…]

Why is the established custodial environment so important in Michigan child custody cases?

The established custodial environment. Under Michigan child custody law, the established custodial environment is the parent a child naturally looks to for guidance, discipline, the necessities of life, and parental comfort.  The law defining the established custodial environment is Michigan Compiled Laws, section 722.27. Why is the established custodial environment so important? The established custodial environment is important[…]

Choice of School – Changing school in a Michigan divorce or custody case.

Choice of School – Changing school in a Michigan Divorce or custody case. By:  Daniel Findling (c) 2015 Almost every parent wants the best education for their child.  In most Michigan divorce and custody cases, parties are awarded joint legal custody, As joint legal custodians, parents must jointly make decisions regarding the educational upbringing of their child.[…]

What happened to physical custody in Michigan?

What happened to physical custody in Michigan? When I began practicing divorce law almost 20 years ago the phrase “physical custody” in Michigan had specific meaning.  The phrase physical custody in Michigan identified which parent a child spent the majority of the time.  The other parent had “parenting time’.   Things have changed.  Now almost 20[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (h)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (h) One of the twelve child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (h).  Best interest of the child factor (h) addresses the home school and community record of the child. Not every child is the perfect[…]

The UCCJEA in Michigan: Transferring custody to Michigan

The UCCJEA in Michigan:  Transferring and enforcing an out of state custody determination The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (“UCCJEA in Michigan”) provides that the home state of a child has exclusive and continuing jurisdiction for child custody litigation.  So what happens if the home state of the child changes? For example, if the parents[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (f)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (f) Best Interest of the Child Factor :      One of the twelve child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (f).                              Best[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (e)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (e) One of the twelve child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (e). Best interest of the child factor (e) examines the permanence, as a family unit of the proposed custodial home or homes.  Best interest[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (d)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (d) One of the twelve child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (d).  Best interest of the child factor (d) examines the length of time a child has lived in a stable, satisfactory environment, and[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (c)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (c) One of the twelve child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (c) is .  Best interest of the child factor (c) examines the capacity and disposition of the parties involved to provide the child[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (b)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (b) One of the twelve “best interest of the child” child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (b).  Best interest of the child factor (b) examines the capacity and disposition of the parties involved to[…]

Joint custody in Michigan – What does it mean?

Joint custody in Michigan – What does it mean? It seems everyone wants Joint custody in Michigan these days but what does Joint custody in Michigan law really mean? We find the answer to this question in Michigan Custody Statute, Michigan Compiled Laws Section 722.26(a)(7). Parenting time or Visitation and Joint Custody in Michigan Under the[…]

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (a)

Custody in Michigan – Best interest of the child factor (a) One of the twelve “best interest of the child” child custody factors set forth in the Child Custody Act is best interest of the child factor (a).  Best interest of the child factor (a) examines the love, affection and other emotional ties existing between[…]

Michigan divorce and Michigan Custody law – equity

Law and Equity – Doing what is fair in Michigan divorce and Michigan custody cases. In Michigan divorce and Michigan custody cases, the judge sits in both law and equity.  Divorce and custody law is the written rules of law found in statutes, court rules and court cases.  Equity is best described as doing what[…]

Child Custody in Michigan – Do not make it the kids fault.

Child Custody in Michigan – Do not make it the kids fault. A divorce or custody in Michigan case impacts more than the parents.  It impacts the children.  In times of change, it is important to protect children from a pending divorce or custody in Michigan case.  Parents should remember that a divorce or custody[…]

Attachment theory and Custody in Michigan

Attachment theory describes the emotional bonds a child develops to other people and the impact the bonds have on development. Attachment theory in psychology originates from a London psychiatrist named John Bowlby and his treatment of emotionally abused children.  In 1958, Dr. Bowlby developed the notion that early separations of a child with their mother[…]

The relationship between custody and child support in Michigan

The relationship between custody and child support in Michigan Traditionally, the relationship between custody and child support in Michigan was intimate.  A change custody would result in a change in child support.  Many people still believe this to be the case.  However it is not.  Custody and child support have little in common because physical[…]

Child Custody – Can a child decide who to live with?

Can a child decide where they want to live? Michigan child custody law is governed by Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.23 often called the best interest factors.  Factor (i) of the best interest factors provides that a court should consider the reasonable preference of the child, if the court considers the child to be of[…]

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