Parenting Time

An introduction to parenting time

Parenting time (visitation) defines the frequency and duration each party spends with their child. Under Michigan law, parenting time is governed by statute. Specifically, Michigan Compiled Laws 722.27a, which is more commonly known as the parenting time statute.

Custody in Michigan

An introduction to custody

There are two types of custody. Legal custody, which describes how parents shall share decision-making authority MCL 722.27a and Physical custody describes physical care and supervision of a child. MCL 722.1102(n).

Custody in Michigan

Temporary custody orders

A request for a temporary custody order may be made at any time during the pendency of the case by filing a verified motion that sets forth facts sufficient to support the relief requested. (See: MCR 3.207(C))

Parenting Time

How to enforce parenting time (or any order).

On October 26, 2023, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Josey vs. Hayes. An appeal filed by Ms. Hayes after the trial court found her in contempt of court for failing to abide by a parenting time order. Althought Ms. Hayes managed to win on appeal (the trial court[…]

Custody in Michigan

Can you agree on Custody?

While agreements on custody are usually “rubber stamped” and approved by the court, the court must make an independent determination that the agreement is in the best interest of the minor child. However, you can agree on parenting time.

Property division

Is Michigan a 50/50 state in divorce?

Take two long term marriages with the exact same marital estate. The first marriage is 30 years and the parties lived as husband and wife. The second marriage is 30 years and the parties have not seen each other for 29 years. Obviously it would not be equitable (fair) to treat both of these cases the same. In the first example, a 50/50 division would seem appropriate, but not in the second example.


Divorce in Michigan – Everything you need to know

Marriage struggles are real and sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan. If your unhappy and are considering a divorce in Michigan, here is everything you need to know. Sometimes things don’t get better. However, the proverb “knowledge is power” can help you take control of your situation with a fresh start[…]


The effects of divorce on children

The science behind the effects of divorce on children in sound. Although each family is unique, divorce has been shown to have a negative impact on a child. However, research supports the notion that the impact of staying in an unhealthy marriage can be worse, as a child learns that it is ok to be[…]

Divorce process

The Early Intervention Conference in Oakland County

The Oakland County Friend of the Court (FOC) consists of a group of attorneys, counselors and support staff which assist the court in cases involving minor children or support by providing a formal (or informal) dispute resolution service including custody and support valuations. Another important function of the FOC is to conduct an Early Intervention[…]

Property in Michigan

Dividing unvested stock options in divorce

You or your spouse worked hard and it has finally paid off with the right to purchase stocks at a discount from your employer. When stock options are granted they typically provide an opportunity to purchase shares of stock in the future at a fixed price and can be highly valuable. The future date is[…]

Parenting Time

Supervised parenting time

On October 20, 2022, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Krieg v. Krieg after the trial court changed primary custody of the parties minor child to the mother and addressing the issue of supervised parenting time. The parties married in July 2014. Shortly after the parties married, father began[…]

Friend of the Court

The power of the Friend of the Court

Simply put, the power of the Friend of the Court is limited to making recommendations for the trial court to review. However, if no objections to a Friend of the Court recommendation are made, the Friend of the Court Recommendation will become an Order of the Court.

legal residence

How far away can you move after a divorce with a minor child?

There are two legal restrictions on how far you can move after a divorce with a minor child. First, MCL 722.31(1) prohibits a parent from moving after divorce with a minor child to another home more than 100 miles (as the crow flies) from your current residence without court permission. However, MCL 722.31(2) provides that this restriction does not apply if a parent is awarded sole legal custody. Second, Michigan Court Rule 3.211(C)(1) prohibits a parent from moving outside of the State of Michigan without approval from the Judge who awarded custody.

Custody in Michigan

Michigan custody laws – the videos

Michigan child custody law can be complex but don’t worry. We make it easy to help you understand this area of the law with the Michigan Divorce Education Series of videos on custody.

Parenting Time

Motion to modify parenting time

Although the threshold requirements to modify custody or a motion to modify parenting time go by the same names, proper cause or a change of circumstance to change custody or modify parenting time have different meanings.

Custody in Michigan
Divorce myths

Divorce myths. A video of truth.

In this article, we cover the top 10 divorce myths. When it comes to Michigan divorce law, everyone has a story about a ‘friend’ who went through a divorce and (fill in the blank) happened. Further complicating matters are the countless television shows and tabloid articles regarding divorce. While gossip, television shows and tabloid articles[…]

Custody in Michigan

What exactly is joint custody in Michigan?

Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.26a, requires parents to be advised of joint custody and the court must consider an award of joint custody at the request of either party.

Objection to Friend of the Court

Relief from a Judgment of divorce

When property is divided in a Judgment of Divorce is typically final and non-modifiable. However, a party can petition the court for relief from a Judgment of Divorce under MCR 2.612 in certain instances.

Oakland County Divorce

Divorce in Oakland County

You may think that there is no difference in the divorce laws by County and you are right, sort of. Divorce law is uniform throughout the state, a divorce in Oakland County is different for a number of reasons.

Child Support

Michigan Child Support Formula Manual 2021 – Change is here!

The Michigan Child Support Formula Manual an the Michigan Child Support Formula Supplement were updated. The new guidelines are effective January 1, 2021. The 2021 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual provides the formula utilized by Michigan Court’s to determine a child support obligation. With very limited exceptions Michigan Court’s may not deviate from the formula.[…]

Property in Michigan

Divorce, property and a real estate commission

When negotiating a Michigan divorce, is it appropriate to deduct an unrealized real estate commission? In this case, the Michigan Court of Appeals decided that it is not appropriate to do so. When a marital home is at issue in a Michigan divorce, a court has three choices. The court can either award the home[…]

inherited property

Divorce and inherited property – how to keep it.

Michigan compiled law 552.19 provides that inherited property is separate property because it is not acquired “by reason of the marriage”, however there are exceptions.

Lorie Savin
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