We recognize that there are certain circumstances where you need help or answers now. If you have an after hours emergency here is how you can get in touch with us. We are here for you.
Google Voice / Cell: +1 (707) 968-7347
Email: Daniel@Findlinglaw.com.
If you are the victim of Domestic violence or parental kidnapping contact the police first, then call us.
During regular hours:
Local: +1 (248) 399-3300
toll free: (877-YOUR FIRM)
Or email me at: Daniel@Findlinglaw.com.
My blog: https://thedivorceguy.com/blog
My practice group’s cool website: TheDivorceGuy.com
My firm’s cool website: FindlingLaw.com
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thedivorceguy
By: Daniel Findling
The Divorce Guy, Michigan Divorce Attorneys and Specialists