We recognize that there are certain situations that cannot wait.
If you have an after hours question or emergency, we are here for you.
After hours cell: +1 (707) 968-7347
Email (monitored 24/7): Daniel@Findlinglaw.com.
Let us help you manage your situation. – Daniel
In certain situations such as domestic violence or parental kidnapping, please call the police first, then call us.
Business hours contact information:
Local: +1 (248) 399-3300
toll free: (877-YOUR FIRM)
My blog: https://thedivorceguy.com/blog
My practice group’s cool website: TheDivorceGuy.com
My firm’s cool website: FindlingLaw.com
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thedivorceguy
By: Daniel Findling
The Divorce Guy, Michigan Divorce Attorneys and Specialists