Divorce can be a highly stressfull exerience for parents and children alike. One of the most stressful issues is often the frequency and duration each parent spends with a child (parenting time). When parents agree on parenting time terms, this stress is often minimized.
Parenting time in Michigan is governed by statute. Specifically, Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.27a. Paragraph (2) of the parenting time statute providing:
(2) If the parents of a child agree on parenting time terms, the court shall order the parenting time terms unless the court determines on the record by clear and convincing evidence that the parenting time terms are not in the best interests of the child.
MCL 722.27a(2)
Restated, a court must honor an agreement on parenting time terms unless there is clear and convincing evidence that the agreement is not in the best interest of a child (which is a really high burden of proof).
When parents can agree on parenting time terms, conflict is often reduced. After all, the parties are divorcing each other, not the child(ren). Children of divorced parents who work together in child-rearing and speak with one voice are typically better suited than children of divorced parents who are always fighting.
Let us help you navigate this challenging time with greater clarity and confidence. For personalized legal advice, feel comfortable contacting us.
By: Daniel Findling (c) 2024.
Our Core Values.
Ph. 248-399-3300 : Email:Daniel@Findlinglaw.com : After hours emergency?+1 (248) 633-8583
I have been exclusively practicing divorce and family law in Michigan for almost 30 years. The attorneys at Findling Law all share the core value of practicing law to help people navigate change in their lives, without compromising principles. We specialize in high socio-economic, high-profile and high-conflict cases, while also working with clients of all backgrounds. We recognize that the most important aspect of the practice of law is the application of the law to your specific circumstances. That is why we provide more free information on divorce and family law than any other Michigan law firm. We want to help you manage your situation. Allow our exceptional legal team to help you navigate the change in your life, without compromising principles.