Legal Separation

Legal Separation in Michigan

Legal Separation in Michigan by:  Daniel Findling Legal separation in Michigan is different than other states.   While some states require a period of legal separation before a couple can get divorced, Michigan does not. Legal separation in Michigan is technically called a Separate Maintenance Agreement.  While it only takes one person to get divorced in[…]

Security for support

Support security – Securing the future payment of child support and alimony

Support security – Securing the future payment of support:  By Daniel Findling –  Divorce always involves change and an important change in almost every Michigan divorce or legal separation in Michigan is financial. For many, child support payments and alimony payments (spousal support) are an important financial component in moving forward after a divorce or[…]


We are just living together – Common law marriages and Michigan divorce law

We are just living together – Common law marriages and Michigan divorce law:  More people are choosing not to marry, and well, just live together.  For some, marriage is the end of freedom – after all, marriage is supposed to be forever.  Others choose to live together in monogamous relationships and consider marriage merely a[…]

What about the engagement ring?

The engagement ring:  Glamour magazine reports that on average, a guy will spend about $5,229 on an engagement ring which is a lot of money, yet far less than the 10 most expensive engagement ring’s according to a Hollywood gossip website. So it begs the question, what does Michigan law have to say about an engagement[…]


Michigan divorce law update: The dangers of commingling property (assets).

Commingling assets and divorce in Michigan:  When dividing property in a divorce, a primary consideration is whether the property is ‘marital’ or ‘separate’.  As a general rule, property acquired by reason of the marriage or “during the course of the marriage” is marital and is likely subject to division in the event of divorce. Conversely,[…]

Michigan Divorce law – Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher divorce Do you need a prenup?

Prenup and divorce in Michigan:  NEWS FLASH:  “A year after the couple announced their split, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore’s divorce case is moving into the Los Angeles court system.” Ok, so maybe your net worth isn’t in excess of $290 million and the age gap between you and your spouse is not very large.[…]

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